Polaroid Diaries - Tracking Record

"Dear Diary - used syringes in a yellow disposal container; an unfast bolt; wood chippings...dead object all the relics of more dead objects..."



"Dead Objects - Used Syringe and Bolt"

Originally, "Dead Objects - Used Syringe and Bolt" was taken on Wednesday, November 28, 2007 at 12:00 AM. Since then this diary snapshot has had confirmed sightings at the locations listed below. Sightings are listed in the order that they were reported...



  • Received Wednesday, January 02, 2008...(US Eastern Time)
  • Where the Snap was found:

    "wedged between an old pipe and a wall in Rothsay Lane, Melbourne Australia.
    Google Map Reference

Finder's Diary entry and/or plans for the Snap:

"This is a catch and release program, right? I'll release it sometime ;)"