Polaroid Diaries - Tracking Record

"Dear Diary - Just so you know how deeply you're getting yourself into this thing...

redeye The pale blue, plastic mesh of the pool's guttering is littered in patches with duck and seagull pooh...I am thankful for the black numbers "1.0" and that one accompanying letter "M" - this sign reassures me that if I only extend my tripod legs a short way I will be able to stand without getting any of my internal workings wet...the pale, cream coloured tiles delineate the edges - here is a step down; here is the water's edge...

yellowsound Parrots and trams, cars and trucks...seagulls have taken up residence in the pool and they a noisily claim their squatters' rights...

Listen to a sound bite from this location...
(*.mp3 format, 940KB)

greensmell As I get closer to the pool's edge I notice a distinct change in the fragrances that surround me...I can definitely sense the moisture and hints of animals - perhaps a legacy of the seagull pooh...maybe they realise what the bins are going to be used for and are donating some guano for blending in with the "grey water"...

bluetouch The water of the pool is cool and has a slightly oily, soapy, slippery feel...not the crisp feel of fresh and clean water...the squishing of some duck pooh beneath my tripod's feet hints at the reasons for the water's softness...

purpletaste I have had the taste of pool water often enough to be able to glimpse the tones that would be tasted here, although I am sure that there would be a richness of flavour here, full and rounded with the spices and gravies of the last few months of weathering and wildlife contributions...




"1.0 M - Mooney Valley Pool, Essendon"

Originally, "1.0 M - Mooney Valley Pool, Essendon" was taken on Thursday, April 19, 2007 at 12:00 AM. Since then this diary snapshot has had confirmed sightings at the locations listed below. Sightings are listed in the order that they were reported...



  • Received Monday, May 14, 2007...(US Eastern Time)
  • Where the Snap was found:

    "Found this photo on a light pole in the centre of the Riverside Park car park, Essendon on the 15th May 2007. Great web site you have here. Now I'll be looking out for more polaroids."

Finder's Diary entry and/or plans for the Snap:

"Being a mad bombers support, mad that we are losing games, I think I'll return this photo to the Essendon area. "