Polaroid Diaries - Tracking Record

"Dear Diary - I simply reduced my shutter speed slightly and look at how much more saturated the yellow became...

redeye A small patch of indigo sky stippled with the dark green patching of the trees, before the lush, solid line of the saturated yellow sound wall...the 60 sign holds itself away from the taunts of the passing traffic as it defiantly speed by...there is a break now in the almost constant flow of vehicles...

yellowsound Trucks and cars hurtle past...the sound of their passing sharpens slightly in pitch as they approach and then flattens suddenly as they disappear again leaving me striving to remember the name of this phenomenum...a motor bike revs by, its sound arcing, and I recall the doppler effect...

Listen to a sound bite from this location...
(*.mp3 format, 940KB)

greensmell As ever, there are fumes and dust and soil and even a hint of tan bark and woodchip...

bluetouch The slightly rough and abrasive edge of the concrete barrier...the splintered edges of the wood chips which cover the softness of the dusty earth...

purpletaste I ate some sand once...the dust and woodchip bring a memory of this to mind...




"60 and Yellow 2"

Originally, "60 and Yellow 2" was taken on Thursday, April 12, 2007 at 12:00 AM. Since then this diary snapshot has had confirmed sightings at the locations listed below. Sightings are listed in the order that they were reported...



  • Received Sunday, May 20, 2007...(US Eastern Time)
  • Where the Snap was found:

    "Outside the Newmarket post office, I went in to get some bubblewrap, came out and it was there face down, poor thing tripped over."

Finder's Diary entry and/or plans for the Snap:

"There's a polaroid/lomo/diy photography thread on the stencil revolution forum, I'll write a lil post about it and leave the photo somewhere in the city...."