Polaroid Diaries - Tracking Record

"Dear Diary - another morning but this time found me , by contrast, surrounded by concrete and traffic, freeway and sculptural structures...

redeye The low slung starting rise of the freeway's bridge forms a dark and shadowed region between its underbelly and the ground...a razor's slash of light spurts forth the sight of sun blazoned, bright orange sculptured "sticks", rising from their concreted baseland, revealed in this letterbox gash...this scene is captured through my viewfinder...

yellowsound Cars and trucks hurtling past...light buffets of wind stirred up by the passing traffic...

Listen to a sound bite from this location...
(*.mp3 format, 940KB)

greensmell The air is tinged with the fumes of the passing traffic...there is the smell of dust from the dry earth beneath the bridge...

bluetouch The concrete of the overpass is cool and its solidness reassure me...the dust beneath me is soft and cushions my tripod...

purpletaste It is dificult in some ways to swallow because the dust is easily kicked up and has dried me out slightly...this is the taste that arises when one is slightly parched...I wonder if this is what it tastes like to have chewed on a packet of desiccant...




"Under The Freeway I Can See The Orange Sticks"

Originally, "Under The Freeway I Can See The Orange Sticks" was taken on Wednesday, April 11, 2007 at 12:00 AM. Since then this diary snapshot has had confirmed sightings at the locations listed below. Sightings are listed in the order that they were reported...



  • Received Saturday, May 19, 2007...(US Eastern Time)
  • Where the Snap was found:

    "i was walking through the rmit art in public places exhibtion intersection, i found the picture under the over pass, stuck to a bit of signage. a lovely surprise."

Finder's Diary entry and/or plans for the Snap:

"i am sending this to my friend in sydney"



  • Received Tuesday, May 29, 2007...(US Eastern Time)
  • Where the Snap was found:

    "I found the snap in my letterbox - it was sent to me from Melbourne by my friend the Baroness de Boueff!!"

Finder's Diary entry and/or plans for the Snap:

"What a heaven idea!! I am going to send it on a journey to Queensland!!"



  • Received Wednesday, July 04, 2007...(US Eastern Time)
  • Where the Snap was found:

    "sent to me by the Baroness de Boueff!!"

Finder's Diary entry and/or plans for the Snap:

"Sending it on to my friend in Qld"



  • Received Tuesday, July 10, 2007...(US Eastern Time)
  • Where the Snap was found:

    "It was mailed to me by a friend"

Finder's Diary entry and/or plans for the Snap:

"Pass it on"